What happens after I cancel my subscription?
Individual and Single Site subscriptions can be cancelled at any time. Multi Site, Enterprise and Connected Fitness Partners must give a 90-day notice period as per our Terms of Service.
After you’ve requested to cancel your subscription, your access to the Pure Energy Music app will remain until the next renewal date – at which point, your subscription will be automatically cancelled. No further charges will be taken.
Is there a cancellation period?
Individual and Single Site subscriptions are self-service, and can be cancelled at any time.
After you’ve requested to cancel your subscription, your access to the Pure Energy Music app will remain until the next renewal date – at which point, your subscription will be automatically cancelled. No further charges will be taken.
Single Site, Multi Site, Enterprise and Connected Fitness Partner subscriptions confirmed by order form must give a 90-day notice period as per our Terms of Service.
How do I cancel my account?
To cancel your account:
- Open the Pure Energy Music app.
- Click the profile icon in the top left corner of the screen.
- Click ‘Manage Subscription’.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Then, click ‘Cancel Subscription’.
If you require additional support, contact our dedicated Customer Support Team via email [email protected].