Can I buy music downloads without a subscription?

The complete Pure Energy Music library of music is available in the Pure Energy Music app.

If you have previously purchased MP3s from PURE ENERGY GO you will be able to access the previous Music Store once you have signed in, via the ‘Account’ page under ‘Music Store’.

Connected Fitness Partners have access to the complete Pure Energy Music library via the Pure Energy Music app and can request to download any track as a .wav or .mp3 file. Contact [email protected] to learn more.

Where are the continuous mixes?

Albums within the Pure Energy Music app play as a continuous mix. Simply hit the green play button and each track will flow into the next, without interruption.

To play a single track from within an album, click on on a single track within the album tracklisting. Alternatively, you can manually skip through albums track by track.

How do I search for the right music for me?

After subscribing and downloading the Pure Energy Music app:

  1. On the homepage of the app, click ‘Search’ in the bottom right of the screen. Alternatively, open the burger menu in the top left of the screen and click ‘Search’.
  2. Click on the Search bar and type in the name of a track, album, discipline or genre.
  3. Click the parameter icon to the left of the Search bar to open the Advanced Search.
  4. In the Advanced Search, you can narrow your search by defining the Workout Type, Genre and BPM Range.

How is the music structured?

Pure Energy Music tracks are expertly tailored to support specific disciplines. The structure of individual tracks and albums vary depending on the intended programme.

Our music releases are structured in 32-count phrases – enabling instructors to choreograph their fitness classes with ease.

Without 32-counts, it would be difficult for instructors to follow the music. As a result, choreographed routines may finish on the wrong foot.

Can you help me plan my fitness class?

Pure Energy Music is expertly-curated and programme-led – providing music categorised by Discipline, Genre, Time of Day, Zone and more.

Music breakdowns, recommended protocols and guided meditations are included to help instructors plan their classes. This information can be found in the Read More section of each album page within the Pure Energy Music app.