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What are PPL/PRS licensing fees?

Music For Fitness

Music Licensing Guidance

Whether playing a well-known artist (such as Bruno Mars) via CD, laptop or radio (e.g. BBC Radio 2), businesses must pay annual Performance Rights Organisation (PRO) licence fees in order to properly compensate music copyright holders for the performance of their music in a business setting.

PROs include PRS (Performing Rights Society) and PPL (Phonographic Performance Limited). PRS represents members who compose and write music and lyrics, whilst PPL represents players of the recorded music. Together, PRS and PPL collect revenue from businesses whenever their members’ music is played in a public space. This revenue is distributed as royalties to their members.

PRO licence fees are not payable if you play non-copyrighted music composed and performed by non PPL/PRS members.

Pure Energy Music has developed an innovative approach to music licensing that benefits both gym operators and music creators – effectively eliminating the need for additional payments to PROs.

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